Operational marks are intended solely to convey information requested for the movement of containers or to give visual warnings.

They relate to:

  • The weight of containers,
  • A sign warning of overhead electrical danger,
  • A height mark for containers higher than 2.6 m (8 ft 6 in).

A. Maximum gross and tare mass

They shall be marked on containers in characters not less than 50 mm high as follows.

The maximum gross mass shall be identical to that shown on the CSC approval plate.

Some owners also indicate under the tare, the net weight available as payload.

container weight marking


The mandatory sign warning of overhead electrical danger for all containers equipped with ladders shall consist of a black symbol on a yellow background, surrounded by a black border.

The height of the symbol (lightning flash) shall be a minimum of 175 mm (6.875 in). The size of the warning sign, measured between the outside edges of the black border, shall be not less than 230 mm (9 in).

The mark shall be located in the area adjacent to the ladder.

container safety markings


Mandatory height marks for containers higher than 2.6 m (8 ft 6 in) consist of sets of black figures on a yellow background, surrounded by a black border.

The upper set of figures shall give the height, in metres, to one decimal place (0.1 m), but shall not indicate less than the actual height.

The lower set of figures shall give the height, in feet, to the nearest inch, but shall not indicate less than the actual height. To have space, the symbols ’ and ” are used instead of ft and in, respectively for feet and inches.

The size of the mark measured between the outside edges of the black border shall not be less than 115 mm x 155 mm (6 in x 4.5 in), and the size of the figures shall be as large as possible, consistent with the need for clarity.

The mark shall be displayed in two places on each container, i.e. near the right-hand edge of each side, at a distance of no more than 1.2 m (4 ft) from the top of the container and within a distance of 0.6 m (2 ft) from the right-hand edge, below the identification number of the container.